Keys to Success: The Power of Commitment and Determination in Achieving Your Goals

Have you ever thought about the most important elements of what it takes in order to be successful? Well, I have my answer ready here for you: these are commitment and determination. So many people lack both of these two ingredients when it comes to going for their goal. Whether it comes to career, relationship, health, etc. It is really that simple in terms of just understanding what it takes. Yet in practise, it is easier said than done. It can be compared to writing your destination into your GPS. When you know where you want to go, there are usually a few most favourable ways that you can go about getting to where you want to be. To your one goal and focus. Though there may be many ways, there is one goal. Even if you don’t make the correct turn in time according to the chosen route, you can sometimes still make it to your destination, but with extra effort given that there are consequences for making an error. But you have to decide on the goal, on the route, and commit to it. If you start going wherever seems interesting to go, then you will most likely not make it to your destination. At least not in the time that you have prepared at first. Sometimes you can allow yourself for some additional time in order to make your goals happen. Sometimes they don’t need to get achieved super fast. Yet many people have a time frame in which they need to accomplish their goals in.

Understanding that you need to focus on putting your energy proactively into achieving your goal,once you decide that this is what you want to accomplish, is crucial. If you truly believe that your goal is the best possible outcome for you, why would you not give it your best efforts? Don’t sidetrack yourself with thinking about any other options. While you are on track with getting your goal accomplished – in the easier and more difficult moments – remember to focus strictly on your goal. If you allow yourself to doubt and take an easier way out, another option – then you are not on track to accomplishing success. You need to look at that goal as if it is the only option that you have – if you are serious about accomplishing it. 

Another thing about achieving your goal, is to set a goal that you know that you truly can accomplish. It might be really difficult, but choose something that you can really focus on accomplishing. It also is a good idea for it to be aligned with you and your inner values and needs, as you will have more inner motivation to accomplish it. Otherwise in moments of hardships, it may be less interesting to you and you may get more easily side tracked. Choose something that will make you get rid of excuses, and will motivate you to give it your all.

If you are focusing on what you do not want to do more than what you want to do, you also lessen the chances of succeeding, as you will start feeling more as though you are lacking, feel less greatful for all the positive that you have going on for you, as well as might become more tempted to give up. Especially in the difficult times, remind yourself why you started. Why this is an important goal to you. What achieving this goal will bring you in life, what positive impact it has or will have for you. Understand the core value behind it. Focusing on the ideal vision of what you want to achieve is important. This does not mean that your goal is or needs to be perfect, but when you think about it, focus on the positives of what it will give you. Motivate yourself this way. When you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in your mind, then your mind will start giving you ideas of what you should do in order to make it happen. That is why it is also important to focus more on what you want to happen, rather than what you do not want to happen. It is important to understand at least vaguely what you definately want to and don’t want to happen, but to then focus your energy and mind on the goal that you want to succeed in.

Focusing on solutions when challenges appear, with the right support, and clarity necessary is part of the process also. You can’t just expect that everything will be easy and fast once you decide upon your goal. You need to understand that most things that are worth accomplishing come about with a lot of hard work and effort. Decide, commit, and you will most likely succeed. So choose your goal and stay determined!