Ryan Nicholas Leong Wei Ren

Ryan Nicholas Leong Wei Ren

Creating the way for a ‘GENIUS Generation’

If it’s true that ‘it takes a genius to know another’, then young and dynamic Ryan Nicholas Leong Wei Ren can be counted upon to pave the way for a path-breaking GENIUS Generation, born as a response to the growing frustration from multiple crises.

A Singapore-based, award-winning Design Thinking Specialist and Flow Consultant, Ryan’s program culminated from numerous childhood experiences. He faced childhood cancer, ostracism and the death of a peer, realising the manner in which one responds makes all the difference. This shifted his mindset to bouncing back from crises ‘antifragile’ – that means adapting and improving faster instead of just staying resilient. This also got him interested in ‘super thinking’ and the workings of ‘success’ – being able to perceive situations from multiple perspectives while spotting biases, so as to maximise emotionally-positive win-win outcomes for all involved. 

During the pandemic, he considered entrepreneurship when he heard similar and repeated complaints – regrets from many that they wished they had clearer direction about decision-making at key crossroads in their lives, and honing skills that make everyday living more pleasant – think discernment, empathy, foresight, etc. 

“As someone who enjoys creative problem solving and education, I was inspired to value-add. Alongside technological advancements and a diverse portfolio of skills and experiences, I ventured forth guided by business mentors to achieve my vision. I was also encouraged by education giants, CEOs and parents alike who saw promising and urgent value for their younger ones to thrive in the 21st Century,” says Ryan. 

This boosted the unique selling point of GENIUS Generation Youth Coaching (GGYC), which compiles resources and programs to accelerate learning for an enjoyable and successful career life. Ryan guides youth to evolve themselves and stretch their career dreams through his signature program, which is built upon years of feedback and field-research. Testing it on himself, it enabled him to unlock significant and compounding career milestones in his 20s.   

The secret? Evolving education… not just for technical skills, but also life skills and higher-order thinking mindsets that enable better decision-making. 

“To anyone eager to improve their quality of life, I highly recommend transforming your consciousness foremost. This can be done by finding clarity about what kind of future lifestyle you desire, or applying a mindset model. Ultimately, you will sharpen your ability to spot undesirable habit-loops that people suffer under for decades, to reframe problems as opportunities, and to prioritise decisions that minimise regrets.”

So, who inspired Ryan to achieve excellence? “The mindsets of those who have shaped human history for the long-term! One case study is Admiral Yi Sun-sin of Korea – despite even being set back by those he trusted as allies, his sheer will and vision were what overcame a seemingly impossible crisis of invasion, safeguarding the very existence of his country for centuries ahead!”

Another source of motivation was a horrifying incident where Ryan witnessed how a bully, despite clearly at fault, would eloquently twist words and play the victim instead to escape punishment.

“The actual victim was punished instead, but unfortunately could not defend himself well as he lacked self-confidence and verbal articulation to expose such manipulation,” Ryan reflects. “Seeing him suffer from such emotional distress forced me out of a bystander position, to make a difference.” Ryan hopes that through empowering education, such manipulative behaviours and mental scarring will be prevented from continuing down and traumatising future generations. 

Unknown to the brilliant yet humble Ryan, he himself is an inspiration to many! Besides being a transformational youth coach, he is also an International Speaker and a Bestselling Author. Some of his extraordinary feats in the year gone by include:

  • Bestselling #1 Amazon Author – Xtraordinary: Strategies to Live an Exceptional Life (Co-authored with international influentials)
  • Article Feature by Digital First® Magazine Global Edition – 10 Must-Watch Innovative Coaching Service Providers 2023
  • Article Feature by Passion Vista Luxury, Lifestyle & Business Magazine – Men Leaders to look up to in 2022
  • GeniusU Wealth Dynamics Masters (Business Pitching) – Grand Prize Winner
  • CoachAwards 2022 (by GoMasterCoach) – Shortlisted Top 10 Best Career Coaches Worldwide
  • Accredited Flow Consultant + Entrepreneur Mentor (by Entrepreneurs Institute)
  • GeniusU Marketing 5.0 Competition – 1st Prize Winner.

Among personal achievements, what fuels Ryan is his interest in evolving systems – such as designing a daily schedule that is both maximally enjoyable and productive (Flow creation), a curriculum that accelerates learning without a loss of understanding (the GGYC program), or creating entire universes from imagination (the 9 Spheres Worldbuilding Design Framework), which he has published as an eBook The Science, Art & Power of Worldbuilding on GeniusU, The World’s #1 Entrepreneur Education platform that provides empowering edu-solutions for ages 0-100 years old.

This is what brings him the ultimate satisfaction – Understanding how the world works, and influencing it to bring out more joyful smiles.